Domestic wastewater

( M.T.I. 2000 patent)
M.T.I. 2000 is a company specializing in water treatment. We offer complete installations for the purification of both industrial and domestic effluents. Biorotors are well adapted for domestic effluents of small villages, rural groups of houses, or large buildings.
The patented "COMBI-CLEAN" AND "BIO-CLEAN" Biorotors may be described as follows:
The collected wastewater is fed to a multi-function buffer/septic tank (usually concrete can be prefabricated). This tank is divided in four equal elements and water flows from one to the next by gravity. The first 3 elements are permanently filled with wastewater. The first portion allows the separation of most solids as a floating layer and as sediment in the bottom. This chamber must be emptied regularly (once or twice every year). The last portion is mainly used as a buffer that allows one to handle peak flow situations. Decomposition will start under anaerobic conditions. Any variation in composition will be leveled out: any excess toxic and aggressive products will need to be diluted.
Water is supplied by a feed pump to the dosing compartment of the biorotor and the level therein controlled ( float - operated switch).The water is dosed to the biorotor by rotating cups mounted on a large disc attached to the main shaft. This disc is also the external wall of the first aerobic purification step. Regular and continuous rotation of the shaft allows a constant feed. The biorotor is essentially a large basket divided in several compartments (or steps) filled with "BIORINGS". Half of the biorotor is submerged. The bacteria fix themselves on the "BIORINGS" and due to the fact they are rotating are half the time in contact with the ambient air. This permits a highly efficient oxidation of the organic pollutants. Nitrification is also taking place at this stage. The efficiency of this reaction may be improved by an internal and easily regulated recirculation (within the separate elements). The special design eliminated any possibility of having sections operating under anaerobic conditions.

The subsequently purified water is fed by gravity to a post-sedimentation tank that collects sediments and floating particles that are regularly pumped back to the first chamber of the buffer/septic tank. This recirculation to the septic tank has also a denitrification action.
The low content of suspended materials in the purified water flows over a not cued type overflow either to the river or to a further filtration process in case water is to be reused. In this latter case, bacteria killing treatment may have to be applied: i.e. U.V. radiation or anodic oxidation.
Equipment Description
Capacity and layout of concrete buffer/septic tank are normally discussed on a case-by-case basis: regulations weather conditions, flow rate variations, all influence the 1volume of this equipment usually located underground.
For domestic applications the usual recommended total volume of this tank is equal to ca. 500 ltr. /p.e.
The container is semi-cylindrical, and the material is epoxylated "Corten A" type steel. The choice of this material allows us to guarantee a long and leak free life of the equipment.
The baskets are filled with "BIORINGS" with an external surface of ca. 280 or 400 m2/m3 (packed material). This material has been specially designed for this process the shape has been chosen to avoid any plugging or blockage within the packing.
The unique construction layout, precludes short circuiting. Water flows from one compartment to the other by means of specially designed plates. Flow is axial as well as radial this results in an intensive mixing and very efficient aeration of the water.
The slow rotation of the shaft and baskets (3-5rpm) ensures minimal wear of the bearings, since they are not in contact with the wastewater.
Each biorotor has its own strong cover to minimize vandalism.
The biorotor is delivered with a fully lockable electrical connection box (IP55 ) and featuring all required instrumentation.

[Mileutechniek International] [Huishoudelijk afvalwater] [Domestic wastewater] [Industrial wastewater] [Industrial wastewater 2] [Industrial wastewater 3] [Industrial wastewater 4]

Mileutechniek International 2000
trademark of:
De Vries Hetjes B.V.